© Harness-it Safety Limited 2021
Leadership ‘Coaching’ and Legal Awareness.
This course has been designed to clearly explain the importance and the meaning of various ‘key
points’ in the Regulations. So that Senior Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders can
appreciate that failure in these key areas can and will expose them and you and your business to
un-necessary Business Risk. If your key personnel have a clear understanding of what is
expected of them, this will flow downstream and in turn reduce your risk of Litigation. I will explain
what their ‘duty of care’ is, how claims are processed and why risk assessment, information,
instruction and supervision are important. I will outline what information needs to be written down,
what needs to be retained and what needs to be included.
Manual Handling
Back pain is one of the most common site injuries and is a familiar reason for people to take time
off work, it is believed to be the main cause for about a third of all sickness absense reports. This
course will provide participants with a clear understanding of the dangers and can reduce your
accident rate or lost time ratio significantly.
Height Safety Training
People working at Height face greater danger of serious injury. Falling from Height can result in
significant long-term injury and workers are often unaware of the dangers and take unnecessary
risks as a result. This is a general course, which includes the use of fall protection equipment, care
and maintenance of equipment, inspection and the Work at Height Regulations.
Call Direct on 07792 559031